Our athlete of the month for May is Erin Eilerman! Her and her husband Paul have been friends of the Tripp family for so many years, they are really more like family. Erin has been working hard on her fitness and even recently went out of her comfort zone and entered a competition! She’s always encouraging to other athletes and is really a ray of sunshine in our community! So we’ll deserved, Erin – thank you for being a part of SFF!
HOMETOWN: Started in West Palm Beach, FL but is now Vernon, CT
AGE: 54
DATE YOU STARTED AT LWCF: November of 2019
OCCUPATION: Special Education teacher
INTERESTING FACT: I’m a Reiki master!
WHAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK TO LWCF: Hands down the community at LWCF.
FAVORITE WOD: I don’t have one. I just do what the awesome coaches tell me to do.
HOW DID YOU START CROSSFIT: Paul made me do it.
HOW DID YOU MAINTAIN FITNESS DURING COVID: The gracious loaning of the equipment from LWCF kept me motivated even though I had only been doing CF for 5 months.
GOAL FOR THE NEXT 6-12 MONTHS: I’d like to split Murph with Paul. I would love to enter another competition.
ADVICE FOR SOMEONE NEW TO CROSSFIT: Just give CF one day and you’ll be hooked. You will see such grow in your physical and mental capabilities. Be my partner sometime. It’ll be great!