Our athlete of the month for June is Jen Cioffi! They say that you are the sum of your repeated habits and we feel like Jen embodies that saying – she is consistent in her fitness and makes time for the gym every day. Her hard work pays off because we’ve seen so much progress in Jen over the years – she began as personal training client because she didn’t think she could do CrossFit, added in some Shred classes, finally ventured into CrossFit and hasn’t looked back since! Plus she brings Kaia, her Bernese Mountain Dog to the gym and Kaia has become something of a gym mascot. Keep up the good work Jen and thanks for sharing Kaia with us!
AGE: 21 (we’re not sure this is honest, but we’ll support it)
DATE YOU STARTED AT LWCF: November of 2017
OCCUPATION: Pediatric Nurse and Professional Mouse Jiggler
INTERESTING FACT: I invented the “up and over”.
WHAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK TO LWCF: CrossFit is my therapy. It keeps me grounded.
FAVORITE WOD: Murph is my favorite WOD not only because it pushes me mentally and physically, but I love how the CrossFit community comes together every year and does it together.
HOW DID YOU START CROSSFIT: I started with shred and personal training. I never thought I was strong enough for CrossFit.
GOAL FOR THE NEXT 6-12 MONTHS: Continue to show up, put in the work and not break a hip.
ADVICE FOR SOMEONE NEW TO CROSSFIT: If you ever bump into Sara McMurray, she loves a good hug and long conversations.